Commandos on board a landing craft on their approach to Sword Beach, 6 June 1944Imperial War Museums

On 6 June 1944, the biggest combined naval, military and air operation ever seen took place. Code-named 'Overlord', the D-Day landings on the coast of Normandy marked the start of a campaign which led to eventual Allied victory in Europe in May 1945.

Josef Stalin, President Franklin Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill at Tehran, 1943Imperial War Museums

Preparations for the liberation of Western Europe had begun soon after the evacuation of Allied troops from Dunkirk in 1940. By the end of 1941, Britain had been joined by the Soviet Union and the United States in the ‘Grand Alliance’ against Hitler. 

同盟軍於 1940 年從敦刻爾克 (Dunkirk) 撤離後不久, 就展開了解放西歐的準備工作。

1941 年底,蘇聯和美國加入對抗希特勒的行列, 與英國組成「大同盟」(Grand Alliance) 。1943 年, 同盟國的各國代表在德黑蘭會面,一同擬訂作戰策略。

這項特展 除了回顧同盟國為求勝利而計劃「大君主」作戰的過程, 也披露了諾曼第登陸日當天所發生的事件。

Meeting of the Supreme Command, Allied Expeditionary Force in London, 1 February 1944Imperial War Museums

In December 1943 a command team was formed to plan and lead the Allied air, sea and ground forces for the forthcoming invasion. General Dwight D Eisenhower was named as Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Forces. 

Henry Carr, General Dwight D Eisenhower (1943) painting, oil on canvas (1943)Imperial War Museums

The ‘D’ in D-Day simply stands for Day. The terms D-Day and H-Hour were used by military planners to designate the day and hour of a forthcoming operation where the exact date and time were still to be confirmed or were secret.

Lieutenant General F E Morgan holding a press conference at headquarters, 1944Imperial War Museums

Frederick Morgan was Chief of Staff to the Supreme Allied Commander. 

Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Tedder, photographed in Italy, 17 December 1943Imperial War Museums

Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Tedder became Deputy Supreme Commander.

Admiral Sir Bertram Ramsay KCB MVO Allied Naval Commander-in-Chief of the Expeditionary Forces, photographed at his London Headquarters at Norfolk House c. 1944Imperial War Museums

Admiral Sir Bertram Ramsay was appointed Allied Naval Commander-in-Chief. 

General Sir Bernard Montgomery in England, 1943Imperial War Museums

General Sir Bernard Montgomery, as Commander-in-Chief 21st Army Group, was to command all the Allied ground forces during the assault phase in Normandy. 

Air Chief Marshal Sir Trafford Leigh-Mallory, Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Expeditionary Air Force, looks down on Normandy from a Douglas Dakota aircraft, June 1944Imperial War Museums

Air Chief Marshal Sir Trafford Leigh Mallory became the Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Expeditionary Air Force. 

Dummy landing craft moored in southern England before D-DayImperial War Museums

The success of the D-Day operation ...

depended on careful preparation. While factories in Britain worked round the clock to produce the huge quantities of weapons, ammunition and equipment needed by the invasion forces, a wide variety of specialists contributed their unique skills and knowledge.

Group Captain J M Stagg, Chief Meteorological Officer with the Royal Air Force, responsible for forecasting weather conditions for D-DayImperial War Museums

Detailed information was compiled about the German defences, the terrain and the weather conditions. Inventors and engineers devised special equipment to help forces land safely in Normandy.

Protective suit worn by Lieutenant Rollo Mangnall RNVR of the Combined Operations Pilotage Parties (COPP)Imperial War Museums

False information was fed to the Germans to draw their attention away from the real invasion site. 

Thomas Hennell, WRNS Censoring Ships' Mail Portsmouth, 1944, watercolour drawing on paper (1944)Imperial War Museums


英國皇家空軍女子後勤軍團 (WAAF) 成立於 1939 年 6 月,旨在協助英國皇家空軍人員,讓他們專注於前線工作。WAAF 在 1943 年的成員人數高達 182,000 名。

Tank Landing Craft in Southampton, 1944, 系列作品收藏單位:Imperial War Museums
Churchill AVRE (Armoured Vehicle Royal Engineer) tank on display in Land Warfare at IWM Duxford, 系列作品收藏單位:Imperial War Museums
Members of the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force (WAAF) repair and pack parachutes for use by airborne troops during the Normandy invasion, 31 May 1944, 系列作品收藏單位:Imperial War Museums

坦克登陸艇 邱吉爾皇家工兵裝甲車輛 (AVRE) WAAF 成員包裝著降落傘,供諾曼第登陸行動使用

The ‘Mulberry Harbour’ at Arromanches, 1944Imperial War Museums

The Allies could not rely on capturing an undamaged port, so two artificial harbours were planned, one in the British sector and one in the American. Each was assembled from 400 prefabricated sections. 

Model of section of Mulberry HarbourImperial War Museums

Each Mulberry component was given a code-name

The pier heads (Whales) and their roads ashore rose and fell with the tide on adjustable legs (Spuds). Submerged concrete caissons (Phoenixes), floating steel tanks (Bombardons), and sunken blockships (Corncobs), which formed an outer defence (Gooseberry), protected the piers. 

1944 年 2 月起,同盟軍轟炸機持續攻擊法國的道路與鐵路網絡,將攻擊區隔離起來,並減慢德國援軍行進與裝備運輸的速度。

為了掩飾諾曼第為攻擊區的資訊,同盟國也對法國北部的許多區域發動了攻擊。在 6 月 5 日的黃昏,RAF 轟炸機開始在英吉利海峽上空投下金屬箔片 (代號:窗戶),干擾德國雷達偵測。

作戰日當天,同盟國空軍派出超過 14,000 架次支援登陸行動,因此德國空軍 (Luftwaffe) 幾乎毫無招架之力。6 月 6 日凌晨,三支同盟軍空降部隊利用降落傘和滑翔機成功登陸,攻下灘岸側邊並築起防禦。

Aircraft prepared for the reinforcement of the British airborne assault on D-Day, assembled at Tarrant Rushton, Hampshire, 6 June 1944, 系列作品收藏單位:Imperial War Museums


"‘Window", 系列作品收藏單位:Imperial War Museums

金屬箔片, 代號為「窗戶」

Men of 22nd Independent Parachute Company, 6th Airborne Division being briefed for the invasion, 4-5 June 1944, 系列作品收藏單位:Imperial War Museums


Private Papers of S R Verrier Private Papers of S R Verrier, 系列作品收藏單位:Imperial War Museums

S. R. 維利亞 (S. R. Verrier) 的私人文件

為了抵禦同盟軍從沿海地區入侵,德軍建立了龐大的軍事設施,稱為大西洋壁壘 (Atlantic Wall)。這個設施設有機槍碉堡、大型碉堡和槍陣地。

1944 年初,陸軍元帥埃爾溫·隆美爾 (Erwin Rommel) 受命指揮從荷蘭至盧瓦爾河 (River Loire) 的德軍戰力,並加強了防禦,尤其是面向英吉利海峽的防區。

C A Russell, A Pill-box, St Aubin-sur-Mer, 1944, watercolour drawing on paper, 1944, 系列作品收藏單位:Imperial War Museums

《機槍碉堡》(A Pill-box),作者為 C. A. 羅素 (C. A. Russell)

Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, commander of the German anti-invasion forces, inspecting German defences on the Atlantic Wall, 1944, 系列作品收藏單位:Imperial War Museums


在 1944 年 5 月中旬,德軍已埋置約 6,500,000 枚地雷並設下超過 500,000 個灘岸障礙物。諾曼第地區的防禦主要是由德軍第 716 步兵師負責,當中包括在波蘭和俄羅斯出生的義務兵。

不過,1944 年 6 月 6 日當天,身經百戰的德軍第 352 步兵師也在奧馬哈海灘 (Omaha Beach) 周圍進行防入侵訓練。

Reconnaissance photograph of beach defences in Normandy, 1944, 系列作品收藏單位:Imperial War Museums


Diagram of mines swept in Seine Bay 6 June 1944 to 31 July 1944, 系列作品收藏單位:Imperial War Museums



1944 年 6 月,近 7000 艘軍艦、登陸艇和其他船艦聚集在英格蘭南部港口。掃雷艇出動,確保了英吉利海峽的航道安全。作戰日當天,同盟軍持續轟炸沿海防禦,兩支海軍特遣部隊成功協助英國的兩個師、加拿大的一個師和美國的兩個師登陸諾曼第海灘。

海軍除了為陸軍提供火力支援,也確保了灘頭補給不中斷。許多登陸艇遭到擊沉或毀壞,但夜幕降臨時,同盟軍 已將 132,000 名士兵送上岸。

American commentated account of the Normandy landings, 1944-06, 系列作品收藏單位:Imperial War Museums



朱諾海灘 (Juno Beach) 由加拿大第 3 步兵師負責攻佔。這個海灘設有大量掩體和巨大灘岸障礙物。惡劣的海象也導致登陸行動往後推遲。加拿大步兵師在登陸時遭到德軍以火力壓制,因此首波傷亡慘重。

Special order of the day to the officers and men of the Allied Naval Expeditionary Force, 1944, 系列作品收藏單位:Imperial War Museums


Permits issued to Captain Peter Lucas, Assistant Military Landing Officer (RE), 7th Beach Group (7th Canadian Brigade, 3rd Canadian Division) on Juno Beach on D-Day, 6 June 1944, 系列作品收藏單位:Imperial War Museums


9th Canadian Infantry Brigade disembarking with bicycles from landing craft onto 'Nan White' sector of Juno Beach, 6 June 1944, 系列作品收藏單位:Imperial War Museums


Troops of the US 7th Corps wading ashore on Utah Beach, 6 June 1944, 系列作品收藏單位:Imperial War Museums

在猶他海灘 (Utah Beach) 的美軍

Letter written by Lieutenant (Torpedo) Officer R MacNab from the cruiser HMS Glasgow describing the landings on Omaha Beach, 6 June 1944 Letter written by Lieutenant (Torpedo) Officer R MacNab from the cruiser HMS Glasgow describing the landings on Omaha Beach, 6 June 1944, 系列作品收藏單位:Imperial War Museums

魚雷官 R. 麥克納柏 (R. MacNab) 的手寫信件

British Army formation badge for 3rd Infantry Division (the 'Iron Division') which landed as the left flank division around Ouistreham on D-Day, 6 June 1944 British Army formation badge for 3rd Infantry Division (the 'Iron Division') which landed as the left flank division around Ouistreham on D-Day, 6 June 1944, 系列作品收藏單位:Imperial War Museums
Infantry of 50th Division moving forward near St Gabriel, 6 June 1944, 系列作品收藏單位:Imperial War Museums
Reconnaissance photograph showing Landing Craft (Tank) landing reinforcements and equipment in the Gold beach area, 6 June 1944, 系列作品收藏單位:Imperial War Museums

英國軍隊編隊徽章 深入聖加百列 (St. Gabriel) 附近內陸地區的部隊 黃金海灘 (Gold Beach) 登陸作戰

American commentated account of the Normandy landings, 1944-06, 系列作品收藏單位:Imperial War Museums


Commandos approach Sword Beach in a Landing Craft Infantry (LCI), 系列作品收藏單位:Imperial War Museums

寶劍海灘 (Sword Beach) 登陸作戰

Officer’s dress jacket worn by Lieutenant Peter Brooke-Smith RNVR who served in HMS Belfast during the Normandy landings, 1944, 1945-04-04, 系列作品收藏單位:Imperial War Museums

巡防艦貝爾法斯特號 (HMS Belfast) 軍官制服外套

Letter from Able Seaman A Jones describes HMS Belfast’s bombardment in support of the D-Day landings. Letter from Able Seaman A Jones describes HMS Belfast’s bombardment in support of the D-Day landings., 系列作品收藏單位:Imperial War Museums

二等兵 A. 瓊斯 (A. Jones) 從巡防艦貝爾法斯特號寄出的信件

Starboard 4 inch guns of HMS Belfast open fire on German positions around Ver-sur-Mer on the night of 27 June 1945, 系列作品收藏單位:Imperial War Museums

巡防艦貝爾法斯特號向德軍陣地維索米爾 (Ver-sur-Mer) 開火

American commentated account of the Normandy landings, 1944-06, 系列作品收藏單位:Imperial War Museums




Private Papers of Miss M E Littleboy Private Papers of Miss M E Littleboy, 系列作品收藏單位:Imperial War Museums

作戰登陸行動期間駐懷特島救護車駕駛 M. E. 莉托波伊 (M. E. Littleboy) 小姐的私人文件



作戰日午夜前,有 75,000 名士兵成功登陸黃金、朱諾和寶劍海灘,3,000 名傷亡或失蹤。另有 23,250 名士兵登陸猶他海灘,折損不到 250 名。在奧馬哈海灘,由於德軍的反抗最為頑強,雖有 34,000 名美軍登陸,也有約 2,000 人壯烈犧牲,這在同盟軍作戰日的折損人數中佔相當大的比例。

American commentated account of the Normandy landings, 1944-06, 系列作品收藏單位:Imperial War Museums


同盟軍在 6 月 6 日總共折損了約 10,200 名士兵。雖然這個數字比這場戰役的策劃者和指揮官所預期的低,但是每一人的死亡都代表著家庭與同伴沉痛的損失。

German prisoners tending an American cemetery at St Laurient, France, near Omaha beach one year after D-Day, 系列作品收藏單位:Imperial War Museums



Project Lead—Carolyn Royston

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