French Patent and Trademark Office (INPI)

French Patent and Trademark Office (INPI)

CS 50001, 92677 Courbevoie Cedex, France

Heir to the institutions that preceded it since the end of the 18th century, the French Patent and Trademark Office(INPI), created in 1951, has become the memory of technical innovation in France. The archives now hold a rich patrimony, constituted by all the patents of invention deposited in France since 1791, trademarks and manufactures since 1857 and designs since 1910.
This deposit, made up of the activities of generations of inventors, creators, artists and industrialists, is far from exhausted. It represents a unique scientific and technical potential in France and is a permanent source of inspiration for innovation today and tomorrow. The INPI's approach is to bring this heritage to everyone's knowledge, make it accessible, put it at the service of industry and research, and more generally contribute to support and encourage innovation.

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