Shining Signs of Wonders

The afterlife of Emperor Henry II in the early modern period

Heinrich II. und KunigundeStaatsbibliothek Bamberg

Emperor Henry II died on 13 July 1024

Together with his wife, Empress Kunigunde, he is considered one of the outstanding personalities of the Middle Ages. To mark the 1000th anniversary of Emperor Henry's death, the exhibition at the Bamberg State Library traces the history of the impact of this canonised couple.

Heinrich II. und KunigundeStaatsbibliothek Bamberg

Henr'y life in printed books

From the 15th century onwards, books illustrated with woodcuts familiarised the believers with the life stories of the patron saints of the diocese. Thanks to the printing press, the legends were widely distributed.

Weltchronik, deutsch (1493) by Hartmann, Schedel and Kronberger, Anton (Drucker)Staatsbibliothek Bamberg

Family tree

The Nuremberg town physician Hartmann Schedel shows the family trees of the holy imperial couple on two pages of his World Chronicle. He honours the Christian ruler as someone who is "shining with signs of wonders" after his death.

Emperor Henry II with Bamberg Cathedral

Weltchronik, deutsch (1493) by Hartmann, Schedel and Kronberger, Anton (Drucker)Staatsbibliothek Bamberg

Empress Kunigunde with St Stephen's Church

When emperor Otto III died childless, Henry was entitled to his inheritance, as both of them descended from Otto the Great (center).

Weltchronik, deutsch (1493) by Hartmann, Schedel and Kronberger, Anton (Drucker)Staatsbibliothek Bamberg

Emperor Karl the Great is prominently highlighted on Kunigunde's side of the family tree.

Dye legend und leben des Heyligen sandt Keyser Heinrichs (1511) by Stettfelder, NonnosusStaatsbibliothek Bamberg

The first detailed printed biography of Heinrich

The monk Nonnosus Stettfelder wrote the first comprehensive biography of Henry in German. As a printed book, the work was more widely distributed than older versions which were only available in a few handwritten copies.

Dye legend und leben des Heyligen sandt Keyser Heinrichs : Doppelseite 44/45Staatsbibliothek Bamberg

Henry's coronation

Stettfelder opens with Henry's election as Roman king in 1002.
In the 16th chapter, he covers the imperial coronation in 1014.

Dye legend und leben des Heyligen sandt Keyser Heinrichs Dye legend und leben des Heyligen sandt Keyser Heinrichs (1511) by Stettfelder, NonnosusStaatsbibliothek Bamberg

Life until the foundation of the diocese of Bamberg

Henry's generous donations to church foundations are praised, as are military campaigns against pagan Slavs and the reconstruction of the destroyed city of Merseburg. When Henry joins Kunigunde in marriage, the two spouses promise each other lifelong chastity.

Dye legend und leben des Heyligen sandt Keyser Heinrichs : Ausschnitt 16Staatsbibliothek Bamberg

Start of the construction of Bamberg Cathedral in 1007

The imperial couple endowed the diocese and the cathedral with rich gifts and thus exchanged "earthly and perishable goods ... for heavenly eternal and imperishable riches".

Dye legend und leben des Heyligen sandt Keyser Heinrichs (1511) by Stettfelder, NonnosusStaatsbibliothek Bamberg

Kunigunde's trial of virtue

When Henry returned from a journey, he heard rumours that Kunigunde had been unfaithful to him with a knight. She purged herself of guilt by offering a judgement from God: She walked unharmed with her bare feet over 15 red-hot ploughshares.

A coloured woodcut shows the trial of virtue, which took place in the presence of the emperor, bishop and court on Bamberg Cathedral Square.

Der Heiligen Leben (1502) by GrüningerStaatsbibliothek Bamberg

‘The lives of the saints’

This collection of saints' lives that was published before Stettfelder's biography contains short vitae of Henry and Kunigunde. It was created in Nuremberg in the 14th century and was circulated widely.

Building the church of St Stephen

A woodcut in Kunigunde's legend shows her on the building site of St Stephen's Abbey, which she founded. Each craftsman was allowed to take coins from the bowl in front of her, but only as many as he had earned for his days' work.

Dye legend und leben des Heyligen sandt Keyser Heinrichs (1511) by Stettfelder, NonnosusStaatsbibliothek Bamberg

Miraculous healing from kidney stones

The emperor suffered from kidney stones and endured his illness with exemplary patience.

During a pilgrimage to the monastery of Montecassino in Italy, Henry was overcome by doubts as to whether its founder, St Benedict, was really buried there. Thereupon the saint appeared to him in a dream, a knife in his hand.

Dye legend und leben des Heyligen sandt Keyser Heinrichs (1511) by Stettfelder, NonnosusStaatsbibliothek Bamberg

When the emperor awoke in the morning, he was holding a kidney stone in his hand, but was physically unharmed. St Benedict had liberated him from his chronic suffering.

Dye legend und leben des Heyligen sandt Keyser Heinrichs Dye legend und leben des Heyligen sandt Keyser Heinrichs (1511) by Stettfelder, NonnosusStaatsbibliothek Bamberg

The emperor is dead - long live the empress

Henry's recovery from the stone disease was not permanent: The illness is said to have kept striking him down until his death. It was probably also the cause of his death at the age of about 50.

When the emperor was dying in Grona near Göttingen in the summer of 1024, he is said to have bid a solemn farewell to the rulers of the empire. He commissioned Kunigunde's relatives to provide for the empress, whose widow's estate they had donated to the diocese of Bamberg.

Dye legend und leben des Heyligen sandt Keyser Heinrichs Dye legend und leben des Heyligen sandt Keyser Heinrichs (1511) by Stettfelder, NonnosusStaatsbibliothek Bamberg

Henry praised Kunigunde as a "chaste and pious virgin" and "faithful aid". The legend thus propagated the belief in the imperial couple's chaste marriage, which played an important role in Henry's canonisation in 1146.

Steinheilung Heinrichs. Relief auf der südlichen Langseite von Tilman Riemenschneiders Kaisergrabmal von 1513. Foto von Bernhard Haaf, um 1890. (1890) by Haaf, Bernhard (Fotograf) and Riemenschneider, Tilman (Bildhauer)Staatsbibliothek Bamberg

The imperial tomb in Bamberg Cathedral

On 19 August 1499, the Würzburg sculptor Tilman Riemenschneider was commissioned to create a new tomb for the Bamberg diocesan saints, whose relics were to be buried together. The work was completed in 1513.

Steinheilung Heinrichs. Relief auf der südlichen Langseite von Tilman Riemenschneiders Kaisergrabmal von 1513. Foto von Bernhard Haaf, um 1890. (1890) by Haaf, Bernhard (Fotograf) and Riemenschneider, Tilman (Bildhauer)Staatsbibliothek Bamberg

The healing from kidney stones

The five reliefs on the imperial tomb were probably modelled on drawings by the Bamberg painter Wolfgang Katzheimer the Elder. Unlike Stettfeld's Vita 1511, one of the reliefs shows Henry's miraculous healing from kidney stones.

Tod Heinrichs II. Relief auf der südlichen Langseite von Tilman Riemenschneiders Kaisergrabmal von 1513. Foto von Bernhard Haaf, um 1890. (1890) by Haaf, Bernhard (Fotograf) and Riemenschneider, Tilman (Bildhauer)Staatsbibliothek Bamberg

The emperor's death

Riemenschneider's depiction of the emperor's death differs considerably from the woodcut in Stettfelder's Vita.

Tod Heinrichs II. Relief auf der südlichen Langseite von Tilman Riemenschneiders Kaisergrabmal von 1513. Foto von Bernhard Haaf, um 1890., Haaf, Bernhard (Fotograf), Riemenschneider, Tilman (Bildhauer), 1890, From the collection of: Staatsbibliothek Bamberg
Dye legend und leben des Heyligen sandt Keyser Heinrichs : Ausschnitt 30, From the collection of: Staatsbibliothek Bamberg
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Seelenwägung Heinrichs. Relief auf der südlichen Langseite von Tilman Riemenschneiders Kaisergrabmal von 1513. Foto von Bernhard Haaf (1846–1906), um 1890. (1890) by Haaf, Bernhard (Fotograf) and Riemenschneider, Tilman (Bildhauer)Staatsbibliothek Bamberg

The weighing of the soul

The scene depicting the weighing of Henry's soul by the archangel Michael is reminiscent of a woodcut in ‘The lives of the saints’

Der Heiligen Leben : SeitenansichtStaatsbibliothek Bamberg

Whether emperor Henry deserved to ascend to heaven after his death was a matter of dispute. Contemporaries were critical of his campaign against the Christian Poles and his uncompromising approach to conflicts.

Dye legend und leben des Heyligen sandt Keyser Heinrichs (1511) by Stettfelder, NonnosusStaatsbibliothek Bamberg

He is also said to have slapped Kunigunde so hard across the face before the ploughshare trial that blood streamed from her nose.

Der Heiligen Leben Der Heiligen Leben (1488) by Koberger, AntonStaatsbibliothek Bamberg

The legend of the soul being weighed by the archangel Michael also served as justification for the emperor's canonisation. Whilst a devil tries to pull down one of the weighing pans, St Lawrence throws a chalice into the pan containing Henry's pious deeds.

The emperor's soul is symbolised by a naked kneeling figure. Lawrence was the patron saint of Merseburg Cathedral, which Henry helped to rebuild and at whose consecration in 1021 he was present.

Die weysung vnnd auszruffung des Hochwirdigen heylthumbs zu Bamberg (1509) by Pfeil, JohannStaatsbibliothek Bamberg

The imperial cloaks

Relics of Henry and Kunigunde were regularly put on display. The book "Die weysung vnnd auszruffung des Hochwirdigen heylthumbs zu Bamberg" describes the procedure of the presentation: The relics were shown in eleven ‘rounds’.

Die weysung vnnd auszruffung des Hochwirdigen heylthumbs zu Bamberg (1509) by Pfeil, JohannStaatsbibliothek Bamberg

Explanations were proclaimed for each relic and prayers and songs were recited. For participating in the penitential service, the faithful received an absolution from their sins. The book begins with an appeal to visitors to keep the crowd in order.

Die weysung vnnd auszruffung des Hochwirdigen heylthumbs zu Bamberg (1509) by Pfeil, JohannStaatsbibliothek Bamberg

The flag and imperial cloak

The presentation began with Emperor Henry's banner and the Ottonian imperial cloaks. The relics are illustrated with small woodcuts.

Despite the rather coarse depiction, Henry's riding cloak is clearly recognisable.

Die weysung vnnd auszruffung des Hochwirdigen heylthumbs zu Bamberg (1509) by Pfeil, JohannStaatsbibliothek Bamberg

Monstrances, chalices, busts, (arm) reliquaries and crosses were displayed in the eleven "rounds". The highlight was the holy nail, which was especially venerated as a relic of Christ. In the 16th century, most of the reliquaries had to be handed over as plunder.

Zwey Hoch-springende Heyl-Brunnen In dem Hohen Stifft Bamberg mit Gnaden quellend. Oder Lesens-würdige Lebens-Beschreibungen Des heiligen Kaysers Henrici / Und der heiligen Kayserin Cunegundis / Als Glorwürdigen Stifftern des hohen Stiffts Bamberg Zwey Hoch-springende Heyl-Brunnen In dem Hohen Stifft Bamberg mit Gnaden quellend. Oder Lesens-würdige Lebens-Beschreibungen Des heiligen Kaysers Henrici / Und der heiligen Kayserin Cunegundis / Als Glorwürdigen Stifftern des hohen Stiffts Bamberg (1716) by Joseph à Virgine Maria and KurtzStaatsbibliothek Bamberg

The imperial tomb in Bamberg Cathedral over the centuries

Since it was erected, the imperial tomb by Tilman Riemenschneider has been relocated four times within Bamberg Cathedral: It was originally placed in the nave.

Zwey Hoch-springende Heyl-Brunnen In dem Hohen Stifft Bamberg mit Gnaden quellend. Oder Lesens-würdige Lebens-Beschreibungen Des heiligen Kaysers Henrici / Und der heiligen Kayserin Cunegundis / Als Glorwürdigen Stifftern des hohen Stiffts Bamberg : DoppelseiteStaatsbibliothek Bamberg

The Carmelite Joseph à Virgine Maria published illustrations of the imperial tomb around 1720.

Acta S. Henrici Romanorum Imperatoris Acta S. Henrici Romanorum Imperatoris (1723) by Jean Baptiste Du SollierStaatsbibliothek Bamberg

Simultaneously, the Jesuit Jean Baptiste Du Sollier included detailed depictions of the tomb in one of his works. He was president of the Society of Bollandists, which aimed to publish every known legend of every saint: The endeavour took 300 years.

Riemenschneider added a total of five reliefs to the high tomb, depicting scenes from the legends of Henry and Kunigunde.

Acta S. Henrici Romanorum Imperatoris : GrabtafelStaatsbibliothek Bamberg

Three scenes from the legend of Henry:
- Death
- Weighing of the soul
- Healing from the stone illness

Two scenes from the Kunigunde legend:
- Trial of the ploughshares
- Distribution of wages to builders of the cathedral

Acta S. Henrici Romanorum Imperatoris : GrabtafelStaatsbibliothek Bamberg

The narrow side at the head of the sculptures remained empty: Presumably this side was not visible because it was connected to the altar of Kunigunde in front of St George's Choir. Two bronze inscription plaques were placed there in 1649.

Blick zum Westchor des Bamberger Doms mit dem Kaisergrab im Mittelschiff (1903)Staatsbibliothek Bamberg

Around 1900, the tomb stood in the centre of the nave (as depicted in the image). Since 1971 it has been positioned at the eastern end of the nave between the stairs to St George's Choir.

Index Librorum In Membranis Scriptorum Bibliothecae … Capi­tuli Imperialis … Bambergensis : SeiteStaatsbibliothek Bamberg

Church and book treasures

When the diocese was founded in 1007, books were necessary for the liturgical services in Bamberg Cathedral and for the education of the clergy at the cathedral school. Emperor Henry donated numerous manuscripts to Bamberg.

Index Librorum In Membranis Scriptorum Bibliothecae … Capi­tuli Imperialis … Bambergensis : SeiteStaatsbibliothek Bamberg

Many of them were decorated with rich book illumination and furnished with precious bindings: The library of Bamberg Cathedral probably contained 350-450 codices. Today, around 165 manuscripts originating from Henry's foundation have been preserved.

Außführlich- und Vollständige Beschreibung aller In dem … Dom-stifft zu Bamberg sich befindenden Heiligen Reli­quien, Antiquitäten, Gold, Sil­ber, und Anderer Kostbarkeiten (1736) by Johann GraffStaatsbibliothek Bamberg

The first complete catalogue of the cathedral library

was compiled by Johann Graff, who was appointed sub-custodian of the cathedral in 1722: he listed the liturgical books in the cathedral treasury as ‘antiquities’.

Nachzeichnung des Krönungsbilds aus dem Perikopenbuch Heinrichs II., vor 1738. In: Heinrich Joachim Jaeck: Muster der Hand­schrif­ten der Bamberger Bibliothek (-1833) by Johann GraffStaatsbibliothek Bamberg

These include the book of pericopes of Henry II, which had to be delivered to Munich in the process of secularisation in 1803.

Viele Alphabete und ganze Schrift-Muster. 1. Heft. (1833) by Heinrich Joachim Jaeck and BaumgärtnerStaatsbibliothek Bamberg

These copies of Graff's drawings were published in print 100 years later by Heinrich Joachim Jaeck, director of the Royal Library, which was founded in 1803 - the present-day State Library Bamberg.

The publication made scholarly research into the handwritten manuscripts possible.

Andachtsbild mit Kaiser Heinrich (1860) by KäsliStaatsbibliothek Bamberg

Testimonies of devotion

The anniversaries of Henry and Kunigunde were celebrated with a variety of different forms of devotion.

Kurtze doch nutzliche Andacht zu den allerheiligsten bitteren Leyden und Sterben Unseres Heylands und Seeligmachers Christi Jesu : nebst denen Tag-Zeiten des Heiligen Henrici, römischen Kaysers, dann der Heiligen Cunegundis, dessen jungfräulichen Ehe-Gemahlin, wie auch des Heiligen Ottonis, Bischoffs zu Bamberg, und der Pomeren Apostels. (1748) by Johann Graff and KlietschStaatsbibliothek Bamberg

The prince-bishop himself celebrated mass in the cathedral on that day. In the afternoon, there was a procession, a prayer service organised by the Jesuit-led youth sodality, vespers and popular devotions.

Geistliche Tag-Zeiten: Zu Lieb und Lob Der Grossen und Heiligen Bambergischen Hoch-Stiffts- und Land-Patronen (1733) by GertnerStaatsbibliothek Bamberg

The celebrations continued throughout the entire week following the festival. Relics, statues of saints, altars and gospel books were shown in the final procession; children in angel costumes carried crosses and scattered flowers.

Andachts-Uebung bey der feyerlichen Prozession am Festtage des heiligen Kaisers Heinrich (1820) by IntelligenzkomptoirStaatsbibliothek Bamberg

Small-format printed books served the believers as guides for liturgical procedures.

Andachts-Uebung bey der feyerlichen Prozession am Festtage des heiligen Kaisers Heinrich, Intelligenzkomptoir, 1850, From the collection of: Staatsbibliothek Bamberg
Abendandacht am Feste, und in der Octav der heiligen Kaiserin Kunegundis in der Dompfarrkirche zu Bamberg, Klebsadel, 1823, From the collection of: Staatsbibliothek Bamberg
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Kurtze doch nutzliche Andacht zu den allerheiligsten bitteren Leyden und Sterben Unseres Heylands und Seeligmachers Christi Jesu : nebst denen Tag-Zeiten des Heiligen Henrici, römischen Kaysers, dann der Heiligen Cunegundis, dessen jungfräulichen Ehe-Gemahlin, wie auch des Heiligen Ottonis, Bischoffs zu Bamberg, und der Pomeren Apostels. (1748) by Johann Graff and KlietschStaatsbibliothek Bamberg

In 1733, the cathedral custodian Johann Graff compiled such a collection, in which he included short legends as well as prayers and hymns.

Festaltar anlässlich der Bischofsweihe von Franz Ludwig von Erthal (1779) by Joseph Klemens MadlerStaatsbibliothek Bamberg

When Franz Ludwig von Erthal was consecrated prince-bishop of Bamberg in 1779, six gospel books with precious bindings made of gold and gemstones were placed on the altar under the large cross, alongside the relics of the saints' heads and the imperial crowns.

During secularisation, the crowns and the most valuable books were transferred to Munich.

Das heilige Kaiser­paar Heinrich und Kuni­gunde in seinem tugend­reichen und verdienstvollen Leben (1903) by Heinrich MüllerStaatsbibliothek Bamberg

100 years ago: The 900th anniversary of Henry's death

At the beginning of the 20th century, the worship of the holy emperor began to revive. After the loss of World War I, Henry II appeared as a beacon of hope.

Das heilige Kaiser­paar Heinrich und Kuni­gunde in seinem tugend­reichen und verdienstvollen Leben (1903) by Heinrich MüllerStaatsbibliothek Bamberg

A biography published by the mission printing house in Steyl in the Netherlands was published in several editions.

Kaiser Heinrich der Heilige. Festschrift zur Neun­jahrhundertfeier unseres hl. Bistumspatrons (1924) by Georg Losgar and FestausschussStaatsbibliothek Bamberg

The preface to the publication to mark the 900th anniversary emphasises Henry's services to the diocese and the city of Bamberg: Henry is described as the ‘new founder and upholder of the German Empire’, who asserted himself against the princes and defended the Empire.

The medieval emperor thus served as a ‘living example of the fact that a truly Catholic worldview and national-German sentiments are not contradictory’.

Plakat zum Kaiser-Heinrich-Festspiel (1924)Staatsbibliothek Bamberg

The anniversary was celebrated with a series of festive events: Special trains brought the believers to Bamberg. A festival play written by the teacher Eduard Diener was performed in the Alte Hofhaltung. A celebratory medal, postcards and a newspaper were produced.

The Pope and numerous bishops sent letters of greeting. The imperial crowns, certificates and medieval codices that had been taken to Munich were on display in the chapter house.

Credits: Story

Glowing sacred signs
The impact of Emperor Henry II in the early modern period

Exhibition of the Bamberg State Library 
16 September to 14 December 2024

Texts: Bettina Wagner
Photos: Gerald Raab
Layout: Anne Rupprecht

Credits: All media
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