Capturing Carbon

In the age of climate change, soil carbon is a hot topic. Soil Scientist, Leandro Barbieri, and guests take us through the science - it all begins with photosynthesis.

Carbon - #2 - by Pamela Zamora (2021-10-10) by Pamela Zamora and Soil HeroesSoil Heroes

How does soil sequester carbon? - Leandro Barbieri

How Does Soil Capture Carbon? - Leandro Barbieri

Carbon is sequestered in soil by plants through photosynthesis and can is stored in the soil as organic matter. 

'Roots and carbon' - Charles Massy (2021-10-10) by Soil HeroesSoil Heroes

Soil carbon sequestration is a process in which CO2 is removed from the atmosphere and stored in the soil carbon pool by plants through photosynthesis. Through the decomposition of organic matter, such as the turn over of dying roots, soil builds over time.

Carbon - #3 - by Pamela Zamora (2021-10-10) by Pamela Zamora and Soil HeroesSoil Heroes

'On Carbon' By Charles Massy

How Does Soil Capture Carbon? (continued) -Charles Massy

A bit more science around how carbon is stored by regenerative farmer and scientist, Charles Massy.

"An example of what happens when we humans stepping back and let Nature take over, doing what she co evolved to do over the years".

Soil Carbon - Soil Pit (2021-10-10) by Soil HeroesSoil Heroes

How do you measure Carbon? by Leandro

How Do You Measure Carbon?

Measuring carbon begins by getting down and dirty, and then, cook it. Yes thats right, cook it.

Carbon - #1 - by Pamela Zamora (2021-10-10) by Pamela Zamora and Soil HeroesSoil Heroes

What is the impact for the world?

What is the impact for the world?

We have the opportunity to cool the planet whilst maintaining food security and increasing food quality, whilst all the other benefits. It's a holistic natural solution. 

Credits: Story

Soil Heroes Foundation - 
Illustrations: Pamela Zamora -

Credits: All media
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