Chicago: Law and Disorder

“There were two Americas in Chicago, but there always are.”

In 1968, Chicago experienced a breakdown in the political process. 

At the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in August, delegates came to the city to select their next presidential candidate. Activists gathered to protest United States policies at home and abroad during the convention.

Political delegates fought inside the convention arena. Protestors and police brawled on the city's streets. Meanwhile, the news media depicted division and violence.

"Hello Democrats!" Democratic National Convention poster, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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1968: A Year of Shock

January: Vietnamese communist guerillas launched attacks throughout South Vietnam. These battles showed  the United States military involvement there might continue much longer.

March: President Lyndon B. Johnson announced he would “not seek” nor “accept” the Democratic presidential nomination for another term.

April: An assassin fatally shot Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in Memphis, Tennessee. Dozens of cities, including Chicago, burned in rebellion.

June: Another gunman killed presidential hopeful New York Senator Robert F. Kennedy. After his assassination, some worried Chicago's Democratic National Convention might turn violent. 

August: In an era of civil rights, anti-war protests, and social revolution, the forces of law-and-order braced for a fight  at Chicago's Democratic National Convention.

Mayor Richard J. Daley, Arthur Siegel, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
Mayor Daley, Democratic ticket poster, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
Downtown construction, Raymond F. Stibal, 1962/1962, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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School Boycott flyer, Coordinating Council of Community Organizations, 1963/1963, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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School boycott flyer, 1963

Anti-Civil Rights demonstrators, Declan Haun, 1966/1966, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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Anti-Civil Rights demonstrators, 1966

Events in April in Chicago set the stage for the Democratic National Convention in August.

April 5 and 6: Police struggled to contain the mass urban uprising triggered by the murder of Martin Luther King Jr.

Afterwards, Mayor Daley publicly criticized the police for allowing rioters to destroy several square blocks of his city.

April 15: Daley ordered officers to “shoot-to-kill” arsonists and “shoot-to-maim” looters in the event of any future disturbance.

Buildings burned by riots after Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination, Declan Haun, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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Buildings burned by riots after Martin Luther King Jr.'s assasination, Chicago, 1968

Chicago police making an arrest, Declan Haun, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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Chicago police making an arrest, 1968

National Guard troops near the Water Tower, Declan Haun, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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Natoinal Guard troops near the Water Tower, 1968

During a peaceful anti-war protest in Civic Center Plaza on April 27, Chicago police officers responded with violence. Their attack sent a message to future protestors—come to Chicago at your own risk.

Anti-Vietnam War rally, Grant Park, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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Anti-Vietnam War rally, Civic Center Plaza, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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Anti-war protester, Civic Center Plaza, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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Police move into Anti-Vietnam War rally, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
Police arrest anti-Vietnam War protester, Civic Center Plaza, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
Injured protester at anti-Vietnam War rally, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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Injured anti-Vietnam War protestor, Chicago, 1968

In early August, the Republicans held their national political convention in Miami Beach, Florida. New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller and conservative Ronald Reagan, governor of California, both fought for the nomination. They evenutally lost to former Vice President Richard M. Nixon.

The convention itself unfolded with no drama. Some African American residents, however, took to the streets in Miami’s first large-scale rebellion. This civil disturbance left three people dead, again suggesting violence might come to Chicago's convention.

Richard Nixon supporters, Republican National Convention, Declan Haun, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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Richard Nixon supporter, Republican National Convention, Declan Haun, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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Nixon supporter,  Miami Beach, Florida, 1968

The Democratic National Convention took place in Chicago August 26 through 29, 1968. It was a disaster for nearly everyone involved.

Many delegates experienced bullying on the convention floor. Anti-war activists watched their peace plan get defeated at the convention. 

Protestors experienced several days of intimidation and beatings by police in Lincoln Park and Grant Park. Chicago law enforcement endured long hours under dangerous conditions. Media members also took their own beatings.

The week of violence culminated with the Battle of Balbo. At South Michigan Avenue and East Balbo Street police attacked the crowds near the Conrad Hilton Hotel where convention goers stayed. Network television cameras rolled, broadcasting everything.

Democratic National Convention program cover, Gordon Phillips, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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Democratic National Convention program cover, 1968

Festival of Life poster, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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Chicago Aug. '68 poster, Students for a Democratic Society, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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With President Johnson's departure and Senator Robert F. Kennedy's assassination, the race for the Democratic presidential nomination seemed wide-open.

Some, however, predicted an easy win for Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey.

棄__棄__棄__棄__棄__棄__棄__棄___棄__棄___ll the Way with L.B.J.棄__棄__棄__棄__棄__棄__棄___棄__ campaign poster, 1964/1964, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
"Johnson for President" campaign poster, Democratic National Committee, 1964/1964, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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Senator Robert F. Kennedy, Declan Haun, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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Senator Robert F. Kennedy, 1968

Eugene McCarthy presidential campaign flyer, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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Chicago Seed newspaper, convention week edition, Chicago Seed newspaper, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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Chicago Seed newspaper, convention week edition, Chicago Seed newspaper, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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Chicago Seed newspaper convention week edition (left and above), 1968

Activist Dick Gregory (left) and Senator Eugene McCarthy, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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Activist Dick Gregory (left) and Senator Eugene McCarthy, 1968

Mary Travers (left) and Julian Bond, Grant Park, Peter Bullock, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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Musician Mary Travers (left) and politician Julian Bond, 1968

Protesters in Grant Park, Charles Roland, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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Protesters' hospital and communications center, Lincoln Park, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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Protestors'  hospital and communications center, Lincoln Park, 1968

Police arresting Pigasus the pig, Nina Boal, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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Police arresting Pigasus the Pig, 1968

Yippie flyer, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
Chicago Police riot helmet, International Latex Corporation, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
Protester wearing Mayor "Shoot-to-kill" Daley sign, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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Black Panther Party leader Bobby Seale, Nina Boal, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
Protester wearing a Hubert H. Humphrey mask, Nina Boal, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
Poet Allen Ginsberg, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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National Liberation Front flag, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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National Liberation Front flag, 1968

Abbie Hoffman at President Lyndon Johnson's un-birthday party, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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David Dellinger at President Lyndon Johnson's un-birthday party, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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Whose City is This?

Chicago 1968 often boiled down to a battle over turf. While protestors argued the people’s right to the streets and parks, the police kept authority and enforced curfew laws.

Yippie flyer, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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Protester atop General John Logan statue, Grant Park, Nina Boal, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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National Guardsmen, South Michigan Avenue, Charles Roland, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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National Guardsmen, South Michigan Avenue, 1968

National Guard jeeps, Charles Roland, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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National Guard jeeps, 1968

Protesters at Conrad Hilton Hotel, Peter Bullock, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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Women for Peace flyer, Women for Peace, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
Media members, Civic Center Plaza, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
Poor People's Campaign mule train, Charles Roland, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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Police officers awaiting a possible confrontation, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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Chicago Police officers awaiting a possible confrontation, 1968

Protestors, South Michigan Avenue and East Balbo Street, Peter Bullock, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey campaign poster, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
"Humphrey. To make the Needed Change棄__棄__棄__棄__棄__棄__棄___棄__ campaign poster, Citizens for Humphrey, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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Protestors, S. Michigan Ave. and E. Balbo St., 1968

Democratic National Convention Aftermath

On Election Day, Republican Richard M. Nixon squeaked out a narrow victory over Democrat Hubert H. Humphrey.

Hoping to encourage revolution, militant protestors during convention week actually turned some Americans against them. Many did not like these protestors' approach to social and political change. Nixon’s win started several decades of Republican Party dominance.

All sides wanted to tell their own version of what happened that violent week in Chicago.

Protesters marching on Michigan Avenue, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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Protestors marching on Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 1968

South China Morning Post's reaction to convention riots, FOCUS/Midwest Publishing Co., 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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Mayor Richard J. Daley bumpsticker, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
"Strategy of Confrontation" report cover, Chicago Department of Law, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
"Strategy of Confrontation" report, Chicago Department of Law, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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The Days of Rage

The Weatherman, a radical student group, came to the city in October 1969. They rallied against the Chicago 8 trial. The federal government put eight activists on trial for starting the Democratic National Convention riots a year earlier.

Weathermen performed street theater, vandalized, and sabotaged during its Days of Rage. Unlike 1968, though, few Chicagoans supported these demonstrators.

Weatherman march, 1969/1969, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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Weatherman march, 1969

Protestors and police fight during the Days of Rage, 1969/1969, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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Rolls-Royce window smashed during the Days of Rage, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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Door smashed during Days of Rage, Piero Dactyl, 1969/1969, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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Door smashed during Days of Rage, 1969

Chicago city attorney Richard Elrod injured at rally, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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Chicago 8 Trial

Chicago officials wanted to hold somone responsible for the 1968 Democratic National Convention violence. The federal government indicted eight protest leaders on anti-riot charges. The government, however, could not secure lasting convictions.

"The 'Anti-Riot' Act'" flyer, The Conspiracy, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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Chicago 8 Trial, courtroom sketch, Franklin McMahon, 1969/1969, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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Five of the Chicago 8 defendants, David Fenton; Liberation News Service, 1969/1969, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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Five of the Chicago 8 defendants, 1969

The Legacy of Chicago 1968

Chicago 1968 immediately became part of 1960s folklore, with images of blue-helmeted police and long-haired youth stuck in people's minds.

Some viewed Mayor Daley and the Chicago Police's reaction to the convention week activists as the only correct response. Others saw Chicago 1968 as another example of Boss Daley and his thugs out of control in the streets and on the convention floor.

Each story contained some truth. Still, Chicago 1968 symbolized a national breakdown in the normal political process.

Battle of Balbo, Chicago Seed newspaper, 1968/1968, From the collection of: Chicago History Museum
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Battle of Balbo, 1968

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The Chicago History Museum gratefully acknowledges the support of The Nicholas D. Chabraja Center for Historical Studies at Northwestern University.

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Curator—Andrew S. Baer

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