Artist Profile: Rianna Thomas

Whimsical watercolour figures through an autistic lens



Rianna Thomas by Rianna ThomasARTXV

Rianna Thomas

I'm an autistic expressionist artist from Melbourne, Australia.

Hold Me by Rianna ThomasARTXV

Untitled by Rianna ThomasARTXV

Growing up with undiagnosed ADHD and autism...

resulted in her relying on art as a source of expression and as a way to communicate with others.

Life without a diagnosis resulted in Rianna growing up extremely shy, becoming one who tended to listen and observe rather than participate.

Untitled by Rianna ThomasARTXV

Because of this, she used her art...

to interpret and understand herself and those around her, becoming fascinated from a young age with painting highly expressive and emotive faces.

Untitled by Rianna ThomasARTXV

My works are...

often bright and visually engaging, as I experiment with colour and light to create atmospheric pieces inspired by my experiences, interactions and perceptions of the world and those around me.

Untitled by Rianna ThomasARTXV

Untitled by Rianna ThomasARTXV

As an artist...

besides self-expression my goal is to foster a sense of representation, understanding and shared experience for those in the neurodiverse community, and to encourage others to explore the use of art besides those society traditionally expects and requires of us.

Beloved by Rianna ThomasARTXV

Neurodiversity to me is...

something exciting and beautiful, and should be protected, appreciated and understood. I believe that neurodiversity often drives creativity, innovation and ultimately, change.

Not Safe by Rianna ThomasARTXV

Credits: Story

Check out more from Rianna Thomas on her website, Instagram and ARTXV.

Credits: All media
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