Very Fun Park 2007

Comtemporary Art Exhibition in Taipei's East District

By Fubon Art Foundation

Fubon Art Foundation

Powder Puff Girls’ Wednesday (2007) by Chen Yi-ChiehFubon Art Foundation

「每天都能見到凡利斯 (Phyllis),不停地看著包容於其中的事物的人,一定非常快樂。」─伊塔羅 卡爾維諾

慣常遊走於台北東區的人來說,對於 2001 年由富邦藝術基金會主辦的『粉樂町 --- 台北東區當代藝術展』應該還記憶猶新!這是國內首次大規模將當代藝術置入城市複合空間的展覽,當時三十八位藝術家在東區三十個不同場域的創作呈現,讓觀者體驗到人、藝術、空間、歷史與社會在多重交織、真實與想像結合後的驚人面貌,熟悉的場域成了一個隨著藝術觀念與行動介入後的新生有機體,一種不同於觀者平日所熟稔的東區物質與心靈的第三空間,一座無所不在的美術館。

Wild Man Garden Series (2007) by Tseng Yung-NingFubon Art Foundation

「 數百萬雙眼睛像上望著窗戶、橋樑、續隨子,可是他們看見的也許只是一張白紙。有許多城市像凡利斯一樣,閃躲了一切凝視,只逃不過那以驚奇觀賞的眼睛 。 」

這些年,對於「粉樂町」,我們依然存有著多重的記憶與體會,不只因為它曾經與一群台灣當代藝術的工作者渡海遠至香港和澳洲伯斯,與他人用藝術相識;也曾因為它在特定的時空中激起巷弄間的觀者像旅人一樣以尋幽的眼光打探眾家空間和自我心房,從一個經由藝術創作延伸的視覺樂園,發現一方心靈的快樂角落。只是再熟悉的空間,我們可能終將視而不見,少了初來乍到的樂在其中,所有的一切又回歸平凡,一如義大利作家卡爾維諾於 《 看不見的城市 》中,透過馬可波羅的眼睛看到的城市 一樣 ,初始的抵達與之後的停留,同樣美麗的城市在一段距離與位置之間,有了不同的風貌 。

〔ˊgad ˊdǽmd〕〔tʃɛr〕 (2007) by Ling Po-ChengFubon Art Foundation

「佐拉 (Zora) 的秘密,就在於你的眼光瀏覽各種式樣的方式,它們一個跟著一個,就像樂譜的音符一般,不可更動或取代。」

台北東區如迷宮般的曲折巷弄,儘管不同於卡爾維諾筆下風情萬種的各色城市,但也總像其中的任何一個開拓了旅人的視野, 想試問東區與雙眼之間有可能一直存在著某種若即若離的陌生關係,像是旅人般投以驚奇的目光射向所有初到的城市嗎?「粉樂町」是我們記憶中張著雙眼、身歷其境的樂園,時尚東區也曾在那一個短暫的夏日以新生面貌與觀者相遇,成為眾人與 馬可波羅眼中「看不見的城市」。 2007 年盛夏,「粉樂町」再次從我們的記憶與期待中走出,希望眾人眼裡的驚奇能再次因為藝術的滲入,重新在東區的巷弄間閃耀。

Graphic 3D Ocean (2007) by Hsu Tang-WeiFubon Art Foundation

在「粉樂町 II 」裡,超過 50 個國內外不同領域的藝術工作者與團隊以原初的東區作為基地中心,向台北東、西以及北區輻射,不僅把空間的水平廣度蔓延至西門町、大直和信義計畫區,還將空間的層次從實體的物理空間滲透到戶外大型電子螢幕的虛擬空間,更向上延伸至大樓外牆;在五十個據點當中,藝術家們創作出包括裝置、錄像、攝影、聲音互動、公仔、充氣雕塑、平面輸出、行為藝術與音樂舞蹈表演等多元型態的當代藝術,把台北當成一個論述,藉由藝術行動於其中,討論它、觀賞它,創造它,期待透過藝術的種種實踐,讓觀者對於藝術的感動藉由與空間的對話拉盪至當下的遊走過程,激發出美妙的視覺經驗 ;也試圖經由藝術的介入,將東區創造出具有人文特質的場域精神 。

Cow Dodgems (2007) by (VERY experi-site)Fubon Art Foundation


YOYO (2007) by Hou Yi-TingFubon Art Foundation

遙想「粉樂町 I 」那個忙碌的夏天,影像、裝置以及眾多的視覺元素都還在商家的打量下才被接納,如今,我們一群人彷若受到上天的恩典與眷顧,讓藝術家在順利的溝通過程中,安心的進入空間創作,藝術得以更貼近生活的方式接近群眾,並與之對話。過程中還一度懷疑,這些年當所有商業空間都想方設法的將創意導入時,藝術如何與這些天馬行空的商業奇想競爭?而藝術進入商業空間後又如何被看見?現在看來,這樣的擔憂是多餘的,這也證明了台灣在過去紛擾的日子裡還是不停累積能量,城市創造了豐富的生命題材,成了藝術家旁徵博引的創作元素,更讓我們勇於面對這樣的現況與挑戰。

Floating (2007) by Yang Chun-senFubon Art Foundation

法國社會學家布希亞說:「 在紐約,你重新發掘一種榮耀感,覺得自己壟罩在整座城市的能量之光環中 ----- 這種感覺不是源自像歐洲所見的那種目睹滄海桑田之悲涼光景,而是來自一種變動的美學形式 」 。台北,不是紐約、凡利斯、佐拉,我們卻可以充分感受到它獨有來自於巷弄間的動能與不安定,這是它的靈魂、性格、宿命,也是它迷人之處,兩次「粉樂町」的介入,藝術成了另一股為城市心靈加持的能量,讓更多藝術家、商家、居民以及不同所屬單位因為當代藝術輕輕地被聚攏起來,在其中相遇,共同書寫台北的城市美學、東區的巷弄美學以及藝術與他者的關係美學。

Nightingale (2007) by Wu Tsan-ZenFubon Art Foundation

遊梭於巷弄之間,我們期待「粉樂町 II 」 帶來的,不只是觀展後的短暫遊戲歡樂,更是一種經由藝術激發而產生的心靈愉悅與城市精神;也期待台北與藝術更緊密的結合能如布希亞在紐約行旅時的深刻感受,給人身歷其中的榮耀感,就像旅人雙眼初見的那些城市一樣。

2007 Very Fun Park 01Fubon Art Foundation

National Treasured Pandas (2007) by Hung-YiFubon Art Foundation

This highlights a giant “toy” that is at once intimate and disproportionate to reality. Viewers may recall back to their childhoodand be reminded of the excitement and joy of the play room.

Dadi (2007) by Li Ming-TaoFubon Art Foundation


Eating Soldiers (2007) by Hsu Chia-YuFubon Art Foundation

The artist plays with the proportions of real things and uses ridiculous visual and situational positions to present a black farce that declares the cruelty inherent in the expansion of human striving and desire.

2007 Very Fun Park 02Fubon Art Foundation

Beautiful But Lonely (2007) by JimmyFubon Art Foundation

Jimmy has produced an installation piece for the exhibition based on one of his book, Beautiful Solitude. It is about one the loneliness, the beauty and the little unspeakable secrets that make up the hidden part our lives.

Shout from Asia (2007) by Chang-LingFubon Art Foundation

This piece displays abstract images of ten children and their “silent shout” in the city. They appear to be laughing or shouting, though many of the emotions are simultaneously resolved through collective release.

2007 VFP Akinori OishiFubon Art Foundation

OISHI (2007) by Akinori OishiFubon Art Foundation

Look at the three smiling faces on the side of the building. Are they muttering the word “O-I SHI?” In Japanese, OISHI means “tasty” but it has the same pronunciation as the artist, Akinori Oishi’s, last name. As part of this play on words, the title of the piece “Oishi” means “every taste.”

Flower Sea Maze Flower Sea Maze (2007) by Tsai Chih-FenFubon Art Foundation

Tsai Chih-Fen uses these lush green areas in the city to create “Flower Sea Maze” ( 花海迷宮 ), a work that resonates with nature. This piece takes the image of a sea of azaleas and sows pink acrylic fiber through the greenery, forming a maze on the strip of green that runs through the city. This idea of natural organic combination between media highlights the vital beating heart at the center of the city.

Field (2007) by Tseng Wei-HaoFubon Art Foundation

Tseng Wei-Hao makes use of the principal that like charges attract and opposites repel, applying it to interactions between human bodies/objects, objects/objects, bodies/bodies and through electric traction creates sound. As part of the process of producing sound, the marks left behind after the exchange of ideas are often transformed into different physical forms, such as hearing and touch.

Escape (2007) by Lin Chien-JungFubon Art Foundation

2007 VFP Wen Fu YuFubon Art Foundation

Bamboo Forest Habitat (2007) by Yu Wen-FuFubon Art Foundation

Bamboo Forest Habitat (2007) by Yu Wen-FuFubon Art Foundation

Yu Wen-fu decorates the wall of a police station, transforming it into a warm white bamboo gourd. A sensor is installed at the entrance so that when people pass through it, the sound of cicadas can be heard.

The Vanishing Surface (2007) by Jen Ta-HsienFubon Art Foundation

Jen Ta-Hsien welds together iron strips in order to launch an interwoven game of lines and points. The shapes are not of real objects but of the artist’s.

Untitled (2007) by Huang Lan-YaFubon Art Foundation

Danger with Beauty-Life like a wave (2007) by Lu Hsian-FuFubon Art Foundation

2007 Very Fun Park 03Fubon Art Foundation

Credits: Story

CEO:Maggie Tsai
Curator:Sean C.S Hu
Hsiung Chuan-Huei, Lu Yu-Hsuan, Lee Tai-Chiu, Chen Yen-Hsin
Yang Mei-Chan, Wu Yui-Chiu, Hsiung Wei, Liang Yu-Lun,
Chan Wei-Lun, Chan I-Hua, Chiu Chi-Ju, Chen Chu-Li, Huang Chien-Yu

Photography:Chung Shun-Lung
Animation:Gong Eric

Yeh Yi-Li, Wu Tsan-Cheng, Huang Lan-Ya, Chen Yi-Chieh, Akinori Oishi, Hsu Yang-Cong, Cheng Hsio-Ju, Jen Ta-Hsien, Su Meng-Hung, Mella Jaarsma/Netherlands, Chang=Ling, Wu Dar-Kuen, Susan Kendzulak, Hou Yi-Ting, Chiu Chao-Tsai, Jimmy, VERY experi-site, River Kuo, Takahiko Suzuki, Huang Tzi-Chin, :phunk studio, Tseng Yung-Ning, Chang Guen-Hua, Chang Guen-Hao, Yang Chun-Sen, Tseng Wei-Hao, Hsu Tang-Wei, Mr. Eyeball, Ling Po-Cheng, Jeffrey Wang, Huang Yu-Ju, Yu Wen-Fu, Li Ming-Tao, Hung Yi, Huang Pei-Ying, Nicola Costantino, Tsai Chih-Fen, Shiao Chu-Fang, Hsu Chia-Yu, Lin Kun-Ying, Lin Chien-Jung, Lu Hsian-Fu, Su Hue-Yu, Tsui Kuang-Yu, Huang Bo-Chih, Nezaket Ekici, Etat Art, Wu Bo-Liang

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.

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