Brazilian Basketball Confederation

South American Male from Brazil (1939)eMuseu do Esporte

South American Male from Brazil

On April 24, 1939, with the conquest of the South American Men's Championship, Brazil became, for the first time, champion of an international competition.Placement: Team Champion: Ádamo Bertulli, Adílio Soares de Oliveira, Agenor Monteiro de Souza, Álvaro do Rêgo Macedo Filho, Américo Montanarini, Armando Albano, Celso dos Santos Meyer, Cesar Rego Monteiro Porto “Gatinho”, José Simões Henriques, Júlio Cerello, Mário Humberto Carneiro da Cunha, Martinho dos Santos Frota, Raul Henrique de Castro e Silva de Vincenzi and Ruy de Freitas.Technician: Arno Frank and Octacílio de Souza Braga.

Pan-american Winnipeg Games (1967)eMuseu do Esporte

Pan-American Winnipeg Games

Our girls win the first Brazilian basketball gold in Pan American Games!!!With an undefeated campaign, winning twice each opponent, the Brazilian women climb to the highest place on the podium.Placement: Gold MedalTeam: Angelina Bizzaro, Delcy Ellender Marques, Elza Arnellas Pacheco, Jacy Boemer Guedes de Azevedo, Laís Elena Aranha da Silva, Lucia Maria Borges, Marlene José Bento, Nadir Léa Bazzani, Neusa Maria Camargo, Nilza Monte Garcia, Norma Pinto de Oliveira “Norminha” and Rosália” Vasconcelos.Technician: Renato Brito Cunha.

Pan-american Cali Games (1971)eMuseu do Esporte

Pan-American Cali Games

First Pan American title of the men's basketball team.In an exciting final against Cuba, Brazil wins the match 63 x 62. For the first time in history, the United States did not win the competition.Placement: Gold MedalTeam: Adilson de Freitas Nascimento, Carlos Domingos Massoni “Mosquito”, Emil Assad Rached, Francisco Sergio Garcia, Hélio Rubens Garcia, José Aparecido dos Santos, Luiz Claudio Menon, Luiz Martins de Mello, Marcos Antonio Abdalla Leite, Milton Setrini Junior “Carioquinha”, Roberto José Corrêa and Whashington Joseph “Dodi”.Technician: Edson Bishop of Saints.

Pan-american Cali Games (1971)eMuseu do Esporte

Pan-American Cali Games

With players of enormous individual talent and a differentiated collective game, the Brazilian team defeats Cuba in the final (66 x 62) and wins the two-time Pan American champion.Placement: Gold MedalTeam: Benedita Anália Castro, Delcy Ellender Marques, Elza Arnellas Pacheco, Jacy Boemer Guedes de Azevedo, Laís Elena Aranha da Silva, Maria Helena Campos ”Heleninha”, Maria Helena Cardoso, Marlene José Bento, Nadir Léa Bazzani, Nilza Monte Garcia, Norma Pinto de Oliveira”Norminha” and Odila Fernandes de Camargo.Technician: Waldir Pagan Peres.

Pan-american Games of Indianapolis (1987)eMuseu do Esporte

Pan-American Games of Indianapolis

In a historic final against the United States, Brazil won gold at the Indianapolis Pan American Games.After losing by 20 points, Brazil turns the match and wins 120 x 115, in a match in which Oscar scored 46 points. For the first time the American team lost a final within their country.Placement: Gold MedalTeam: André Ernesto Stoffel, Gerson Victalino, Israel Machado Campello de Andrade, João José Vianna “Pipoka”, Jorge Gerra “Guerrinha”, Marcel Ramon Ponickwar de Souza, Maury Ponickwar de Souza, Oscar Daniel Bezerra Schimidt, Paulo Villas Boas de Almeida, Ricardo Cardoso Guimarães “Cadum”, Rolando Ferreira Júnior and Silvio Malvezi.Coach: Ary Ventura Vildal.

Pan-american Games of Havana (1991)eMuseu do Esporte

Pan-American Games of Havana

The third Pan American Women's title was won undefeated.In a final against Cuban favorites, housewives, and under the perplexed eye of President Fidel Castro, who surrendered to the talent of Brazilian players after seeing our team win the match 97 x 76, Brazil wins the gold medal and takes our flag to the highest place on the podium.Placement: Gold MedalTeam: Adriana Aparecida dos Santos, Ana Lúcia Castilho da Mota, Hortência de Fátima Marcari, Janeth dos Santos Arcain, Joycenara Batista, Maria Paula Gonçalves da Silva, Marta de Souza Sobral, Nádia Bento de Lima, Roseli do Carmo Gustavo, Ruth Roberta de Souza de Souza, Simone Pontello and Vânia Hernandez de Souza.Technique: Maria Helena Cardoso.

Pan-american Winnipeg Games (1999)eMuseu do Esporte

Pan-American Winnipeg Games

Again Brazil and the United States, face to face, in a final of Pan American Games, and the result was no different, gold for Brazil. Our team wins the title, beating the Americans 95 x 78.Placement: Gold MedalTeam: André Luis Guimarães Fonseca “Ratto”, Aristides Josuel dos Santos, Aylton Tesch Junior, Caio Eduardo de Mello Cazziolato, Demétrtius Conrado Ferraciú, Hélio Rubens Garcia Filho “Helinho”, Marcelo Magalhães Machado “Marcelinho”, Michel Ferreira do Nascimento”, Rogério Klafé”, Sandro France Varejão and Vanderlei Mazzuchini Junior.Technician: Helio Rubens Garcia.

Pan-american Games of Santo Domingo (2003)eMuseu do Esporte

Pan-American Games of Santo Domingo

After the victory over the United States in the semifinal (92 x 80), Brazil undefeated its fourth male title in Pan American Games, defeating the Dominican Republic national team 89 x 62 in the final.Placement: Gold MedalTeam: Alex Ribeiro Garcia, Anderson França Varejão, André Chueri da Silva Barbosa” Dedé”, André Luiz Quirino Pereira “André Bambu”, Arnaldo de Souza Moreira Filho” Arnaldinho”, Demétrtius Conrado Ferraciú, Guilherme Giovanonni, Marcelo Marcelo Machado Celinho”, Murilo Becker da Rosa, Renato Lamas Pinto, Tiago Splitter, and Valter Apolinário da Silva “Valtinho”.Technician: Aluisio Elias Ferreira Xavier “Lula”.

Pan American Games from Rio De Janeiro (2007)eMuseu do Esporte

Pan American Games from Rio de Janeiro

Playing at home, the men's team makes an undefeated campaign, winning the five matches played, winning Puerto Rico in the final, 97 x 94.The men's basketball from Brazil wins its fifth gold medal in Pan American Games.Placement: Gold MedalTeam: Caio Aparecido da Silveira Torres, Guilherme Frantz Teichmann, João Paulo Batista “JP”, Marcelo Magalhães Machado “Marcelinho”, Marcelo Tieppo Huertas “Marcelinho Huertas”, Marcus Vinicius Urban Toledo Medina, Marquinker”, Murilo Becker from Rosa, Paulo Sérgio Prestes “Paulão”, Valter de Paula e Silva, Welington Reginaldo dos Santos “Nezinho”.Technician: Aluísio Elias Ferreira Xavier “Lula Ferreira”.

Pan-american Games of Toronto (2015)eMuseu do Esporte

Pan-American Games of Toronto

Six times Brazil.Winning all the matches played in the competition, Brazil's men's team wins the sixth Pan American Games title, winning the Canadian national team (86 x 71) in the final.Placement: Gold MedalTeam: Augusto César Lima Brito, Carlos Alexandre Rodrigues do Nascimento “Olivinha”, João Paulo Batista “JP”, Larry James Taylor Junior, Marcus Vinicius Toledo, Rafael Estevão Hettsheimeir, Rafael Ferreira de Souza “Mineiro”, Rafael Freire Luz, Ricardo Fischer, Vítor Alves Benite.Coach: Rubén Pablo Magnano.

Pan American Lima Games (2019)eMuseu do Esporte

Pan American Lima Games

Gold is from the girls of Brazil!!!In 2019, our players return to the highest place on the podium at the Pan American Games, defeating the United States national team (79 x 73) in the final. A renewed selection that conquers the hearts of Brazilians.Placement: Gold MedalTeam: Aline Cristina Cezário de Moura, Clarissa Cristina dos Santos, Débora Fernandes da Costa, Erika Cristina de Souza, Isabela Ramona Lyra Macedo, Izabella Frederico Sangalli, Lays da Silva, Patricia Teixeira Ribeiro, Raphaella Monteiro da Silva, Stephanie Carmen Soares, Taina Mayara of the Passion, Tatiane Pacheco Nascimento.Coach: José Alves dos Santos Neto.

London Olympic Games (1948)eMuseu do Esporte

London Olympic Games

Brazilian basketball was the first Olympic medal in collective sports, won at the 1948 Olympic Games.Placement: Bronze MedalTeam: Afonso de Azevedo Évora, Alberto Marson, Alexandre Gemignani, Alfredo da Motta, João Francisco Braz, Marcus Viniciusb Dias, Massinet Sorcinelli, Nilton Pacheco de Oliveira, Ruy de Freitas and Zenny de Azevedo “Cotton”.Technician: Moacyr Brondi Daiuto.

Roma Olympic Games (1960)eMuseu do Esporte

Roma Olympic Games

With a team that was only the twelfth average height of the competition (1.86m) Brazil won the bronze medal, lagging behind only the Americans and Soviets.Placement: Bronze MedalTeam: Amaury Antonio Pasos, Antonio Salvador Sucar, Carlos Domingos Massoni “Mosquito”, Carmo de Sousa “Rosa Branca”, Edson Bispo dos Santos, Fernando Pereira de Freitas “Brobró”, Jatyr Eduardo Schall, Moisés Blás, Waldemar Blatkauskas, Waldyr Geraldo Boccardo, Wlamir Marques and Zenny from Azevedo “Cotton”.Technician: Togo Renan Soares “Kanela”.

Tokyo Olympic Games (1964)eMuseu do Esporte

Tokyo Olympic Games

Complementing the podium with the United States and the Soviet Union, Brazil wins the Olympic Bronze winning Puerto Rico in its final match.Placement: Bronze MedalTeam: Amaury Antonio Pasos, Antonio Salvador Sucar, Carlos Domingos Massoni “Mosquito”, Carmo de Sousa “Rosa Branca”, Edson Bispo dos Santos, Friedrich Wilhelm Braun Fritz, Jatyr Eduardo Schall, José Edvar Simões, Sérgio Toledo Machado “Macarrão”, Ubiratan Pereira Maciel, Victor Mirshauswka and Wlamir Marques.Technician: Renato Brito Cunha.

Atlanta Olympic Games (1996)eMuseu do Esporte

Atlanta Olympic Games

The first Olympic medal of the Brazilian women's team was won in Atlanta.After seven consecutive victories, losing only to the powerful United States national team in the final (87 x 111), Brazil rises on the Olympic podium to receive their beautiful silver medal.Placement: Silver MedalTeam: Adriana Aparecida dos Santos, Alessandra Santos de Oliveira, Cintia Silva dos Santos “Cíntia Tuiú”, Cláudia Maria Pastor, Hortência de Fátima Marcari, Janeth dos Santos Arcain, Leila de Souza Sobral, Maria Angélica Gonçalves da Silva “Branca”, Maria Paula Gonçalves da Silva, Marta de Souza Sobral, Roseli do Carmo Gustavo and Silvia Andrea Santos Luz “Silvinha”.Technician: Michelangelo of Light.

Sydney Olympic Games (2000)eMuseu do Esporte

Sydney Olympic Games

Beating South Korea, in overtime, by 84 x 73 (63 x 63 in normal time), Brazil's women's team rises again to the Olympic podium. The bronze medal crowns the transition work between generations, carried out. In the competition, Janeth scored 164 points, and Alessandra 115.Placement: Bronze MedalTeam: Adriana Aparecida dos Santos, Adriana Moisés Pinto “Adrianinha”, Alessandra Santos de Oliveira, Cintia Silva dos Santos “Cíntia Tuiú”, Cláudia Maria das Neves “Claudinha”, Helen Cristina dos Santos Luz, Ilisaine Karen David “Zaine”, Janeth dos Santos Arcain, Kelly Silva dos Santos, Lilian Cristina Gonçalves, Marta de Souza Sobral and Sílvia Andrea Santos Luz “Silvinha”.Technician: Michelangelo of Light.

Men's World from Brazil (1954)eMuseu do Esporte

Men's World from Brazil

Held in the city of Rio de Janeiro, with a final assisted by more than 25000 fans present in the stands of the Maracanãzinho gym, the Brazilian team won the runner-up world championship.Placement: Runner-upTeam: Alfredo Rodrigues da Motta, Almir Nelson de Almeida, Amaury Antonio Pasos, Angelo Bonfiete “Angelim”, Fausto Sucena Rasga Filho, Hélio Marques Pereira “Godinho”, Jamil Gedeão, José Henrique de Carli, Mayr Facci, Mário Jorge Hermes da Fonseca, Thales Monteiro, Wilson Bombarda, Wlamir Marques and Zenny of Azevedo “Cotton”.Technician: Togo Renan Soares “Kanela”.

Men's World of Chile (1959)eMuseu do Esporte

Men's World of Chile

Champion of the World!On January 31, 1959, at the Estádio Nacional de Santiago, a generation that proved to be victorious over the years, won the first Brazilian basketball world title. After defeating the North American national team (81 x 67) in the semifinal, Brazil defeats the Chilean national team (73 x 49) in the final and raises the much-dreamed trophy.Placement: Team Champion: Amaury Antonio Pasos, Carmo de Sousa “Rosa Branca”, Edson Bispo dos Santos, Fernando Pereira de Freitas “Brobró”, Jatyr Eduardo Schall, José Maciel Senra “Zezinho”, Otto Carlos Phol da Nóbrega, Pedro Vicente Fonseca “Pecente”, Waldemar Blatkauskauskas, Waldyr Geraldo Bocente” Wlamir Marques and Zenny from Azevedo “Cotton”.Technician: Togo Renan Soares “Kanela”.

Men's World from Brazil (1963)eMuseu do Esporte

Men's World from Brazil

Two-time World Champion!With an undefeated campaign, winning Puerto Rico (62 x 65), Italy (81 x 62), Yugoslavia (90 x 71), France (77 x 63) and the Soviet Union (90 x 79), on May 25, 1963, winning 85 x 81 United States, Brazil won the Two-World Championship.Placement: Team Champion: Amaury Antonio Pasos, Antonio Salvador Sucar, Benedito Cícero Tortelli “Paulista”, Carlos Domingos Massoni “Mosquito”, Carmo de Sousa “Rosa Branca”, Friedrich Wilhelm Braun Fritz, Jatyr Eduardo Schall, Luíz Cláudio Menon, Ubiratan Pereira Maciel, Victor Mirshauswka, Waldemar Blatkauskas and Wlamir Marques.Technician: Togo Renan Soares “Kanela”.

Men's World of Uruguay (1967)eMuseu do Esporte

Men's World of Uruguay

In the World Cup held in Uruguay, after a harsh winter, the Brazilian team finished the final round tied, in points, with the teams from Yugoslavia and the United States. In the direct confrontation the Yugoslavs got silver and Brazil got bronze.Placement: 3rd placeTeam: Amaury Antonio Pasos, Antonio Salvador Sucar, Carlos Domingos Massoni “Mosquito”, César Augusto Sebba, Emil Assad Rached, Hélio Rubens Garcia, Jatyr Eduardo Schall, José Edvar Simões, Luíz Cláudio Menon, Sérgio Toledo Machado “Macarão” and Ubiratan Pereira Maciel.Technician: Togo Renan Soares “Kanela”.

Men's World Yugoslavia (1970)eMuseu do Esporte

Men's World Yugoslavia

Overcoming the Soviets, who defended the world title, and the powerful American team, Brazil won the silver medal, leaving gold for the owners of the house, the Yugoslavia national team.Placement: Team runner-up: Carlos Domingos Massoni “Mosquito”, Carmo de Souza “Rosa Branca”, Hélio Rubens Garcia, José Aparecido dos Santos, José Edvar Simões, José Luíz Olaio Neto, Luíz Cláudio Menon, Marcos Antonio Abdalla Leite “Marquinhos”, Pedro César Cardoso “Pedrinho”, Sérgio Toledo Machado”Macaroni”, Ubiratan Pereira Maciel and Wlamir Marques.Technician: Togo Renan Soares “Kanela”.

Women's World of Brazil (1971)eMuseu do Esporte

Women's World of Brazil

Primeiro Pódio Feminino em Mundiais!!!Com uma seleção formada por jogadoras que encantaram e colocaram o basquete feminino definitivamente no cenário mundial, o Brasil conquistou a medalha de Bronze, perdendo apenas para Tchecoslováquia e a União Soviética, que contava com a "gigante" Yuliana Semenova, de 2,10m.Colocação: 3º lugarEquipe: Benedita Anália Castro, Delcy Ellender Marques, Elza Arnellas Pacheco, Jacy Boemer Guedes de Azevedo, Laís Elena Aranha da Silva, Maria Helena Campos " Heleninha", Maria Helena Cardoso, Marlene José Bento, Nadir Léa Bazani, Nilza Monte Garcia, Norma Pinto de Oliveira "Norminha" e Odila Fernandes de Camargo.Técnico: Waldir Pagan Peres.

Filipino Men's World (1978)eMuseu do Esporte

Filipino Men's World

In an exciting match against the Italian national team, the victory came with a basket of Marcel Souza, pitching almost from the middle of the court, in the last second of the match. Brazil wins the match 86 x 85 and wins the Bronze medal.Placement: 3rd placeTeam: Adilson de Freitas Nascimento, Eduardo Nilton Agra Galvão, Fausto Cisoto Giannechini, Gilson Trindade de Jesus, Hélio Rubens Garcia, Marcel Ramon Ponickwar de Souza, Marcelo Vido, Marcos Antonio Abdalla Leite “Marquinhos”, Milton Setrini Junior “Carioquinha”, Oscar Daniel Bezerra Schimidt, Roberto José Corrêa “Robertão” and Ubiratan Pereira Maciel.Coach: Ary Ventura Vidal.

Australia Women's World (1994)eMuseu do Esporte

Australia Women's World

World Champions!June 12, 1994, a day we will never forget!!! After defeating, in the semifinal, the two-time American team of the world, 110 x 107, Brazil makes the final against the Chinese, of the 2,04m “giant” Haixia”. With a 96-87 win, Brazil wins their first women's world basketball title.Hortência was the basket of the competition, with 221 points, and Paula was voted the best shipowner.Placement: Team Champion: Adriana Aparecida dos Santos, Alessandra Santos de Oliveira, Cintia Silva dos Santos “Cíntia Tuiú”, Dalila Bulcão Mello, Helen Cristina Santos Luz, Hortência de Fátima Marcari, Janeth dos Santos Arcain, Leila de Souza Sobral, Maria Paula Gonçalves da Silva, Roseli do Carmo Gust, Ruth Roberta de Souza and Simone Pontelho.”Technician: Michelangelo of Light.

3x3 Basketball - Men's Sub18 - World (2016)eMuseu do Esporte

3x3 Basketball - Men's Sub18 - World

The young athletes of the Sub 18 category win the first medal of Brazil in the world of 3x3. A Silver that is worth Gold!!!Our Fabrício Veríssimo was elected the MVP of the competition.Placement: Runner-upTeam: Fabrício da Silva Veríssimo, Felipe Franklin Santos, Luiz Felipe de Paulo Silva, Marcelo Pires Duro.Coach: Francisco das Chagas Oliveira “Chico”.

Credits: Story

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