Kyiv Fortress and its Kosyy Kaponir

Explore the intriguing world of Kyiv Fortress and delve into the extraordinary history encapsulated within the walls of Kosyy Kaponir.

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The Kyiv Fortress is a historical and architectural monument situated within the territory of the Main Military Clinical Hospital in Kyiv.

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Kosyy kaponir is a 19th-century fortification structure within the Hospital Bastion of the Kyiv fortress. From 1863 to 1918, the caponier served as a detention facility for political prisoners, including military personnel. In 1930–1941 and since 1971, it has served as a museum.

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The design of the Kosyy Kaponir was developed in 1843 and executed in 1844–1845. This building was constructed using brick and stone as an additional element of the Hospital Bastion of the Kyiv Fortress.

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The building protected the connection point of the 2nd polygon to the northern front of the fortifications. Due to the terrain's features, the new caponier turned out to be asymmetric in plan, leading to its name, Kosyy Kaponir which means Slant Caponier.

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The Kosyy Kaponir houses a museum exhibition entitled "History of the Kyiv Fortress Structures' Usage," which provides information about notable prisoners, the death row carriage used for executions, and the conditions of imprisonment.

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