The Bill of Rights would guarantee language and cultural rights; it
would acknowledge the importance of religion in our country; it
would respect the diversity of faith and give guarantees of freedom
of religion. The Bill of Rights would protect the rights of children,
disabled persons, women, the right of workers to set up
independent trade unions, their right to engage in collective
bargaining and their right to strike.
The ANC declared itself against capital punishment, and would
seek it outlawed in the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights would
protect the right to have a home and family and property rights. It
would affirm the rights of all persons to have access to basic
educational, health and welfare services.
There was strong support in the country for the idea of affirmative
action, which meant special measures to enable persons
discriminated against on grounds of colour, gender and disability to
break into fields from which they have been excluded by past
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