Unless their political organisation remains strong and principled,
exercising strict discipline on leaders as well as ordinary members
alike, inspires its membership, apart from government
programmes, to develop social initiatives to uplift the community,
the temptation to abandon the poor and to start amassing
enormous wealth for themselves, becomes irresistible.
They come to believe that they are indispensable leaders. In cases
where the constitution allows it, they virtually become life
Presidents. In those cases where a country's constitution imposes
limitations, they generally amend the constitution to enable
themselves to cling to power for eternity.
Leaders such as Leopold Senghor, Julius Nyerere, Ketumile
Masire, Olusegun Obasanjo, Abdusalam Abubaker and Jerry
Rawlings avoided these traps and stepped down at the height of
their power and influence. They became respected and admired
beyond the borders of their respective countries.
Yet when we are dealing with matters of state in countries other
than our own, we should be scrupulously objective and avoid any
form of subjectivity.
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