This is the summary of a comprehensive and well-considered
statement of fundamental principles of government by erstwhile
ANC "terrorists," who had no previous training or experience
whatsoever in governance. Those who are conversant with the
provisions of the current
South African constitution will readily
acknowledge that the influence of the policy document "Ready to
Govern, ANC Policy Guidelines for a Democratic South Africa" is
overwhelming. It is the ground plan on which the new South Africa
is built, where all its people now enjoy equal rights and
opportunities in their country.
The same fire-eaters who had mastered the art of resistance, and
who had worked relentlessly for the total destruction of white
supremacy were now entrusted with the awesome task of
producing a sophisticated blueprint on which its democratic
constitution would be modelled and which positioned the ANC to
govern the most advanced and wealthy country on the African
The unprecedented challenge was to restore the human dignity of
all our people by removing all forms of racial discrimination, and
introducing equality in every sphere of our lives.