That almost every country in the world in due course shunned
South Africa, and apartheid condemned as a crime against
humanity, was a measure of the success of their historic
Those who lived in exile criss-crossed the five continents to brief
heads of state and governments on our situation, attending world
and regional gatherings, flooding the world with material that
exposed the inhumanity of apartheid.
It was this worldwide campaign, which made the ANC and its
leaders inside and outside the country, one of the most well known
liberation movements of the world.
The fighters of Umkhonto we Sizwe (M.K.) displayed exceptional
courage and infiltrated the country, attacked government
installations, clashed now and again with the apartheid forces, and
in several engagements put them to flight.
Other freedom fighters worked inside the country either above or
underground, urging the masses to rise and resist all forms of
oppression and exploitation.