We should be thoroughly conversant with the concrete conditions
prevailing in each situation and exercise caution in our comments.
This would the case where one holds a position of leadership for
decades as a result of free and fair elections, or where the
amendment of the constitution is endorsed by the majority of
voters in that country. Foreigners should respect that and avoid
interfering in the domestic affairs of a sovereign state.
Kingmakers are to be found all over the world, in every nation and
community, and in every organisation be it political or otherwise.
They become role models not because they occupy positions of
authority in the state, but because of their genuine concern for
those who languish in poverty, hunger, illiteracy and terminal
These kingmakers are fully aware that such socio economic issues
are the most devastating assault on human dignity; that these are
the basic causes of unemployment and a wide variety of crimes. Of
these men and women, we can say with full justification at their
graveside, that this person has done his or her duty to country and
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