The whole of the civil service would have to be opened up so as to
make it a truly South African civil service, and not the
administration of a racial minority. It would be accountable to
Parliament and the local community it serves.
There would be a non-racial and non-sexist defence and police
force, and a prison service comprising personnel that are well
trained, disciplined, humane and loyal to the Constitution.
There would be rule of law in which all
South Africans would be
free to participate either directly, or through their representatives in
the law-making bodies, without discrimination based on race,
colour, creed or religion.
As far as personal security and crime, the first priority was to
address the crime producing conditions that prevailed in our
society. The ANC declared that there would be no respect for the
institutions that enforce law and order unless the people respect
the law. They would do so if the laws were just and if they
participated both in their making and enforcement. A just criminal
system would enhance respect for the courts and obedience of the