Beethoven Everywhere

The music that's universal, the memory that's everlasting

In collaboration with

Beethoven-House BonnCarnegie HallDeutsche GrammophonGerman Historical MuseumChineke!
and 13 more collections

"Resound Beethoven" by WDR Rundfunkchor

A new experience of sound balance live from the Historische Stadthalle, Wuppertal

Discover Beethoven in three movements

Learn why the composer just never gets old

A Global Ode To Joy

Reimagining the world's tune for 2020

Join the #GlobalOdeToJoy

Beethoven's Bonn

Explore the museum preserving the legacy

A Guided Tour of Beethoven House

Get a feel for his life as you walk around the house where he was born

Hear from the experts

Members of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra talk about their favourite bars

Keep exploring Beethoven's work

What year was Beethoven born?
Draft of the Beethoven Portrait with Missa Solemnis (Joseph Karl Stieler)

Was Beethoven a feminist?

Beethoven's relationship to women was difficult, yet he provided inspiration that lasts until today

"How happy I am to be able to wander among bushes and herbs, under trees and over rocks; no man can love the country as I love it....My miserable hearing does not trouble me here."Ludwig van Beethoven
Which symphony did Beethoven dedicate to Nature?
No.6 - "Pastoral"

Keep exploring Beethoven's life

Let freedom live!

How the Ode to Joy became an Ode to Freedom in 1989 Berlin

...and now see every detail for yourself

Discover the whole artwork down to the smallest golden pigment

Keep exploring Beethoven's legacy

Are you a teacher or parent?

Check out the Beethoven lesson plan!

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